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新型探测资料在强对流短临预报中发挥着重要作用.该文以2020年3月22日湘北地区春季一次冰雹过程为研究对象,运用多普勒天气雷达、风廓线雷达和地基微波辐射计等新型探测资料对该过程观测分析。结果表明:①此次过程发生在冷空气南下与南支槽前暖湿空气交汇背景下,受中低层切变线与急流影响,冰雹风暴生成前回暖明显,环境垂直风切变大;风暴由地面辐合线触发产生。②此次超级单体降雹过程在雷达回波中表现出“三体散射”、“V型缺口”、中气旋等特征;VIL、低仰角大风速核对冰雹、大风预警有很好的指示。③风廓线雷达探测到,风暴影响前超低空急流加强,中层有干侵入,低层垂直速度出现波动,风暴临近时超低空急流减弱。④地基微波辐射计监测发现,风暴影响前高空湿度增大,K指数、TT指数呈同趋势变化,而K指数预警灵敏度高于TT指数;风暴影响阶段,高空温度、相对湿度和大气不稳定指数出现不同程度跃升和突降。  相似文献   
依托“锡盟—济南”特高压输电工程,根据WRF-Chem V3.7大气化学模式系统对北京及周边地区污染物浓度变化进行模拟和评估,设置不同地点、不同高度、不同排放量等,定量化评估特高压跨区域输电工程对受端区域空气质量的影响。结果表明:不同气象条件下,东南小风的情况下,工程对北京大气环境影响范围最大;根据虚拟电厂的高度,对9 m、27 m、46 m、64 m、91 m、130 m、185 m和255 m高度分别评估,发现在电源点附近,对91 m空间层的大气PM2.5浓度影响最大;远距离输送后,对0—45 m空间高度层的大气PM2.5浓度影响最大;“锡盟—济南”特高压工程配套电源点对北京地区相关污染物浓度变化影响极小。  相似文献   
利用2015年5月至2020年4月辽宁省大连地区9个国家气象站、2017年165个区域气象站逐10 min测风资料, 从风向、风级、月际变化、日变化、空间分布和天气影响系统等对大连地区最大、平均、最小阵风系数进行统计分析。结果表明: 1—12月平均阵风系数的变化范围为1.66~1.77, 秋末冬初平均阵风系数偏大, 春夏季节偏小; 与冷空气相对应风向的平均阵风系数大于与暖空气相对应的风向; 随着风级的增大, 最大、最小阵风系数向平均阵风系数收敛; 不同风级下阵风系数的频率分布均呈单峰型分布, 风级越大, 分布范围越窄。除西南风外, 其他风向的阵风系数均表现出白天大、夜间小的特点。大连地区阵风系数具有明显的地域特点, 东南和西北部沿海区域的阵风系数比内陆和西南沿海偏小, 风向基本不影响阵风系数的空间分布。大连的大风过程多受海上气旋和高压前部双系统共同影响, 气旋、台风以及雷暴大风的平均阵风系数大于同风级的平均值。  相似文献   
陈涛  董林  罗玲  杨舒楠 《气象》2021,47(12):1433-1443
2019年9号台风利奇马在浙江造成极端降水,其中8月9日白天浙江东部受台风外围螺旋雨带长时间影响,9日夜间在台风内核对流影响下降水有显著增强;降水中心与浙江临海地区的天台山、括苍山和雁荡山等地形特征密切相关。GPM(Global Precipitation Measure)卫星遥感反演表明近岸台风螺旋雨带以层积混合型降水为主,台风眼墙区域以热带暖云对流型降水为主;眼墙区雨滴有效直径更大、雨滴数密度更高,有利于形成高降水强度。台风登陆前移动速度较慢,浙江沿海地区维持低层锋生和辐合,有利于外围螺旋雨带降水维持和增强;登陆前后受环境垂直切变等因素影响,台风中心左前侧眼墙区域对流活跃,在登陆点附近强降水区偏向于台风中心左侧。分钟级降水观测表明台风登陆期间浙江近海山区降水强度2~3倍于平原地区,其中地形性降水增幅效应与台风对流非对称结构差异对降水影响程度基本相当,有利于在台风中心左前侧的括苍山—雁荡山山区形成强降水中心。  相似文献   
针对一类具有状态约束的非严格反馈高阶非线性系统,研究一种自适应模糊有限时间跟踪控制问题.首先,利用模糊逻辑系统逼近不确定性非线性函数,在此基础上,采用障碍Lyapunov函数,解决状态约束问题,通过障碍加幂积分方法和反步递推技术,提出了一种有限时间控制设计方法.在有限时间Lyapunov稳定意义下,严格证明闭环系统半全局实际有限时间稳定且系统的状态不超出给定的约束边界,并实现了有限时间跟踪控制目标.最后,仿真研究进一步验证了所提出控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   
以2019年8月在浙江舟山对1909号超强台风“利奇马”的移动观测试验为基础,利用同一地点释放的9次GPS探空气球,对比了风廓线雷达和多普勒激光测风雷达与GPS探空的吻合程度,并利用车载雨滴谱仪对风廓线雷达在不同台风降水强度下的适用性进行了研究。结果表明,在100~300 m高度范围内激光测风雷达观测风速比风廓线雷达更准确。由水平风速对比结果可知,风廓线雷达在3~4 km高度范围内偏差最小(3.59 m/s),相关性最高(0.86),而在1 km高度下偏差最大(6.39 m/s),相关性最低(0.54);在中雨及大雨条件下适用性最差,最大风速偏差约为18 m/s。由水平风向对比结果可知,风廓线雷达与GPS探空总体上吻合较好,相关系数均大于0.85,均方根偏差均小于11 °。另外,降水强度对风廓线雷达的风向观测影响较小,风向偏差随降水强度的变化总体趋于平稳,基本分布在-20 °~20 °之间。   相似文献   
Wind-blown sand is one of the key factors affecting the evolution of sediment transport,erosion,and deposition in rivers crossing desert areas.However,the differences and complex variations in the spatial and temporal distribution of the underlying surface conditions are seldom considered in research on the river inflow of wind-blown sand over a long time period.The Yellow River contains a large amount of sediment.The Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River was selected as the research ...  相似文献   
我国地质结构具有3大板块、3大构造域多旋回构造演化特征,造就多种类型叠合沉积盆地,构成克拉通+前陆、断陷+坳陷、前陆+坳陷3种主要类型。大型叠合盆地是油气资源分布与勘探开发主体。我国常规与非常规油气资源十分丰富,常规石油地质资源量1 075×108 t,常规天然气地质资源量83×1012 m3;致密油地质资源量134×108 t,致密砂岩气地质资源量21×1012 m3,页岩油地质资源量335×108 t,页岩气地质资源量56×1012 m3。陆上油气资源主要分布于渤海湾(陆上)、松辽、鄂尔多斯、塔里木、四川、准噶尔、柴达木7大盆地。海域油气资源主要分布于渤海湾(海域)、东海及南海北部的珠江口、北部湾、莺歌海、琼东南6大盆地。未来我国油气勘探应始终坚持“资源战略,稳油增气”战略,坚持“非常并进、海陆统筹”积极进取勘探思路;常规勘探领域,陆上地层-岩性、前陆、海相碳酸盐岩与潜山领域;海域为渤海海域构造与基岩潜山,深水构造与岩性;非常规油气主要是立足陆上7大含油气盆地,立足致密油气与页岩油气,强化勘探开发与技术配套。  相似文献   
An increasing number of palaeo-climatic records have been reported to identify the Holocene climate history in the arid Xinjiang region of northwest China. However, few studies have fully considered the internal linkages within the regional climate system, which may limit our understanding of the forcing mechanisms of Holocene climate change in this region. Here, we systematically consider three major issues of the moisture/precipitation, temperature and near-surface wind relevant to the Holocene climate history of Xinjiang. First, despite there still has debated for the Holocene moisture evolution in this region, more climatic reconstructions from lake sediments, loess, sand-dunes and peats support a long-term regional wetting trend. Second, temperature records from ice cores, peats and stalagmites demonstrate a long-term winter warming trend during the Holocene in middle- to high-latitudes of Asia. Third, recent studies of aeolian sedimentary sequences reveal that the near-surface winds in winter gradually weakened during the Holocene, whereas the winter mid-latitude Westerlies strengthened in the Tienshan Mountains. Based on this evidence, in the arid Xinjiang region we propose an early to middle Holocene relatively cold and dry interval, with strong near-surface winds; and a warmer, wetter interval with weaker near-surface winds in the middle to late Holocene during winter. Additionally, we develop a conceptual model to explain the pattern of Holocene climate changes in this region. From the early to the late Holocene, the increasing atmospheric CO2 content and winter insolation, and the shrinking of high-latitude continental ice-sheets, resulted in increasing winter temperatures in middle to high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Subsequently, the increased winter temperature strengthened the winter mid-latitude Westerlies and weakened the Siberian high-pressure system, which caused an increase in winter precipitation and a decrease in near-surface wind strength. This scenario is strongly supported by evidence from geological records, climate simulation results, and modern reanalysis data. Our hypothesis highlights the important contribution of winter temperature in driving the Holocene climatic evolution of the arid Xinjiang region, and it implies that the socio-economic development and water resources security of this region will face serious challenges presented by the increasing winter temperature in the future.  相似文献   
Sulfur speciation and concentration in geothermal water are of great significance for the research and utilization of the water resources. In most situations, it is necessary to determine the total sulfur in geothermal water. In this study, the method was established for the determination of determining total sulfur content — the inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), with the wavelength of 182.034 nm selected in spectral line of sulfur. It was identified that the optimal working conditions of the ICP-AES instrument were 1 200 W for high frequency generator power 9 mm for vertical observation height, 0.30 MPa atomizer pressure, and 50 r/min analytical pump speed. The matrix interference of the method was eliminated by the matrix matching method. Using this method, sulfur detection limit and minimum quantitative detection limit were 0.028 mg/L and 0.110 mg/L, respectively, whilst the linear range was 0.0–100.0 mg/L. The recovery rate of sample was between 90.67% and 108.7%, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was between 0.36% and 2.14%. The method was used to analyze the actual samples and the results were basically consistent with the industry standard method. With high analysis efficiency, the method has low detection limit and minimum quantitative detection limit, wide linear range, good precision and accuracy, and provides an important detection method for the determination of total sulfur in geothermal water.  相似文献   
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